Learn Yoruba Online - (Business)

05 Mar Yoruba Online Course – Level 2

A language so sweet, the people created a drum to mimic the undulating rhythms of the this south-western Nigerian language. This melodic language is the most-well-known Nigerian language outside the country’s borders and is studied at University level by foreigners. In terms of structure and tense, the language is easy to learn but its classification as a tonal language makes it slightly tricky for English speakers. While there are three basic tones, they can be combined to create rising and falling tones. This can be challenging as even the slightest deviation can completely alter the meaning of a word.

Continue your learning and improve your job prospects with every level.

With our Yoruba A1.1 Microlearning Course, you can:

  • Make basic conversation and greetings
  • Tell the time
  • Count from 0-12
  • Talk about clothes and shopping
  • Order at the café
  • Talk about the house
  • Use phrases for travel and at the beach
  • Make simple requests, recommendations and apologies
  • Talk about what is happening
  • Describe problems

* All cudoo language Microlearning courses are mapped to international CEFR levels and “Can Do” statements, and ACTFL standards.

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