Learn Slovenian Online - (Business)

19 Jun Slovenian Online Course – (Business)

Don’t be fooled by how similar the name of this language looks to Slovak. While they are both Slavic languages, they are quite mutually unintelligible. Whereas both languages derive the Slov in their names from Slav, Slovenian, or Slovene, is considered to be a South Slavic language along with languages such as Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian and Macedonian. Slovenians consider Slovene to be a language for lovebirds because of the presence of a dual grammatical form separate from regular plural forms. The language is relatively easy to read and write because words are pronounced as spelled for the most part. However, grammar can be quite tricky so watch out!
Continue your learning and improve your job prospects with every level. With our Slovenian Business course, you can:

  • Talk about yourself and your company
  • Arrange and attend business meetings
  • Talk on the phone and leave messages
  • Describe your product
  • Use phrases to help with negotiation and sales
  • Discuss agreements and contracts
  • Talk about banking and accounting
  • Use key phrases for business travel
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