Learn Quechua Online - Level 1

18 Sep Quechua Online Course – Level 1

The Quechua language is known by its speakers as Runa Simi, or the language of the people. Quechua or Runa Simi was the general language or the lingua franca of the Inca Empire or Tawantinsuyo in Inca times!

Hiram Bringham, a famous explorer, had a Quechua speaking guide who asked the locals if there where any interesting cities, and they brought them to the famous Machu Picchu, one of the seven wonders of the world.

Learn this amazing language and explore the fascinating history of the Inca Empire!

With our Quechua Starter Microlearning Course, you can:

  • Introduce yourself and others
  • Talk about colors
  • Use numbers 1-20
  • Use the days of the week
  • Use simple greetings
  • Talk about professions
  • Talk about countries and where you live
  • Tell the time
  • Give your phone number and contact details
  • Talk about food and drinks
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