Practical Applications - How to Blog and Podcast

22 Oct Practical Applications – How to Blog and Podcast – Online Course


If you’re thinking of starting a blog or just beginning one, this course is for you. Perhaps you’d like to try out podcasting too. You can and it’s easy. In this course, you’ll learn how to create, manage, and promote your own blog and audio and video podcast using tools that you already have on your computer—no paid software or equipment is needed.

  • You’ll begin by developing a plan for the content, setup, and long-term maintenance of a blog, and then you’ll use free blogging software like Blogger and WordPress to put that plan into action.
  • After that, you’ll learn how to record a professional-sounding audio podcast with a very simple recording tool you already have.
  • You’ll edit the file with another free software program, add music to it, and then post it online for others to enjoy.
  • Finally, you’ll find out how to record a video podcast.
  • You’ll use pre-recorded video to learn the editing process, and then you’ll apply what you’ve learned to your own video file.
  • You’ll edit it, add special effects, drop in a podcasting-safe music file, and then publish it online.
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