Learn Navajo Online - Level 1

18 Sep Navajo Online Course – Level 1

Try out our Navajo course. Navajo is spoken mostly in the Southwestern United States, especially in the Navajo Nation area. It is one of the most widely spoken Native American languages, with almost 170,000 Americans speaking Navajo.

To get technical, Navajo is a language of the Apachean subgroup of the Athabaskan branch of the Na-Dené language family, along with Apache.

Basically, its pretty similar to Apache, but completely unrelated to other Native Languages.

Although Navajo uses a Latin alphabet, it looks much more exotic due to its healthy sprinkling of letter accents! It’s on the endangered list making a comeback, helped by the fact that the few words from other languages are added.

Did you know?

Diné Bikéyah, or Navajo land, is larger than 10 of the 50 states in America. Blending both traditional and modern ways of life, the Navajo have preserved their art forms along with their language, and are famous for their stunning rug weaving, sandpainting and ceremonial baskets. Life is full of ritual and ceremony, and their language is definitely part of this rich tapestry of a culture!

With our Navajo Starter Microlearning Course, you can:

  • Introduce yourself and others
  • Talk about colors
  • Use numbers 1-20
  • Use the days of the week
  • Use simple greetings
  • Talk about professions
  • Talk about countries and where you live
  • Tell the time
  • Give your phone number and contact details
  • Talk about food and drinks
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