Learn Lingala Online - Level 1

18 Sep Lingala Online Course – Level 1

Lingala, sometimes called Ngala, is a Bantu language spoken mainly in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and in the Republic of Congo and also spoken in Angola and the Central African Republic.

Lingala developed as a language used mostly for trade, and it’s thought that originated from Bobangi, a language that has historically functioned as a trade language along the Congo River.

The Congolese are extremely friendly. They commonly stop to greet friends, and even strangers, on the street, and their warmth spills out of their language in colorful bursts.   For example, in the morning,  a Lingala native speaker would greet by asking, “Hello, is that you? (Mbote, Yo wana?), or Are you awake? (Olamuki?)!

With our Lingala Starter Microlearning Course, you can:

  • Introduce yourself and others
  • Talk about colors
  • Use numbers 1-20
  • Use the days of the week
  • Use simple greetings
  • Talk about professions
  • Talk about countries and where you live
  • Tell the time
  • Give your phone number and contact details
  • Talk about food and drinks
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