Learn Kirghiz Online - Level 1

18 Sep Kirghiz Online Course – Level 1

Learn Kirghiz, also spelled as Kyrgyz, one of the two official languages of Kyrgyzstan, along with Russian, with Uzbek also thrown into the mix for good measure.

Kyrgyzstan is a Central Asian country weaving along the Silk Road, the ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean. Its ancient trading history means its people are extremely hospitable and love to interact and entertain visitors to their country.  A few words of Kirghiz will go a long way to reciprocating this friendliness.

The further you get from the city and the deeper you go into the mountains, the more you will hear Russian fade and Kirghiz take over!The Tian Shan mountains, which surround the ancient caravan route and tower over the country, are home to snow leopards, lynx, and sheep.

With our Kirghiz Starter Microlearning Course, you can:

  • Introduce yourself and others
  • Talk about colors
  • Use numbers 1-20
  • Use the days of the week
  • Use simple greetings
  • Talk about professions
  • Talk about countries and where you live
  • Tell the time
  • Give your phone number and contact details
  • Talk about food and drinks
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