Learn Belarusian Online - Level 2

05 Mar Belarusian Online Course – Level 2

A language originating in a land also known as ‘White Russia’, Belarusian is a different from ‘Russian’ because of its different grammatical journey and is unique to Belarus. Though it shares its traits with Ukrainian and Russian languages, it is only spoken by the native Belarusians, who populate most of Belarus. The language is on the rise within the country as the people of Belarus work together to preserve the indigenous language. Learn this stunning language filled with the culture and art of Belarus.

With our Belarusian A1.1 Microlearning Course, you can:

  • Make basic conversation and greetings
  • Tell the time
  • Count from 0-12
  • Talk about clothes and shopping
  • Order at the café
  • Talk about the house
  • Use phrases for travel and at the beach
  • Make simple requests, recommendations, and apologize
  • Talk about what is happening
  • Describe problems

* All Cudoo language Microlearning courses are mapped to international CEFR levels and “Can Do” statements, and ACTFL standards.

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