13 Nov Actualize Academy – Advanced Personal Development Success

What you’ll learn

  • How To Self Actualize Your Potential & Be Your Best Self
  • Gain More Self-Awareness
  • Increase your Emotional Intelligence & Personal Development
  • Understand The Psychology Behind Personal Development & Self Change
  • How To Control Your Psychology & Inner Workings More Effectively
  • Understand Advanced Personal Development Concepts
  • Influence The Speed Of Your Personal Development & Success
  • How To Have Persuasion Over Your Psychology & Experience Of Life
  • Spark Your Intuition & Bring About More Intuition Based Guidance
  • Manage Difficult Conflicts & Challenges With Success
  • Adopt Ideologies For More Mental Wellbeing & Success
  • And More…


  • A Desire To Improve Your Experience Of Life & An Open Mind


Personal Development from Actualized Academy

Imagine if you will… that your brain is a computer… and your psychology is the OS for that computer… Within every OS there are a set of programs installed. These programs control how we use the OS and the computer. Now it’s these “programs” that control your emotions and behaviors, ability to spot opportunities, and purpose in life. These “programs” are your beliefs in life. But unlike real computers, most of us never pay attention to the “programs” we install into our personal psychology. Most of us just use the default beliefs, the default “programs” that come automatically with the computer.
Or the ones installed by our societies, upbringing, and past experiences.

So when you think of your best self, what “programs” or beliefs would you need to have success? What kind of personal development could you achieve if you changed success sabotaging programs, and installed success inducing ones? Who could you become, if you had control over your psychology? What would be possible, if you could change your beliefs?

That’s what this course is all about!

Think of Actualize Academy as a new mental OS designed for success and personal development. This random collection of philosophies are the “programs” Actualize Academy students use to change their lives. Imagine having the intuition of knowing why you feel what you feel, and having that intuition guide you through life with more success. Be aware of the hypnosis your mind plays on you, so you can stop self-sabotaging, and start living a magiclike life. This thought-provoking personal development course will help you:

  • Improve your self-awareness and motivation
  • Increase your emotional intelligence and personal development
  • Understand your psychology and meaning in life
  • Create space for more personal transformation
  • Spark your intuition and bring about more intuition based guidance
  • Understand the nature of personal development
  • Manage difficult conflicts and challenges with success
  • Learn how to Influence your own psychology like magic
  • Learn advanced personal development philosophies
  • Gain an intuition about your psychology
  • Influence the speed of your personal development and success
  • How to have persuasion over your psychology and mind
  • Learn principles for success in life
  • Be aware of the persuasion and self hypnosis tactics of your psychology
  • And More…

So enroll now and grow with us we expand our minds, empower ourselves, and actualize our potentials.

Who is the target audience?

  • Everyone Who Wants To Take Their Personal Development To The Next Level

About the instructor

Justin Quinton – Author & Coach

Justin Quinton is a best selling Author, Coach & Psychoanalytic thinker who’s ideas have helped thousands of people with his books, video series & seminars. While formally educated in psychology, his 10 plus years of research extends deeply into the field of personal development and relationship advice. After graduating university, Justin is now currently teaching and empowering others within his private practice located in Calgary, Canada.

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