Indonesian Online Course - Level 2 - Knowledge Is Power
Learn Indonesian Online - (Business)

05 Mar Indonesian Online Course – Level 2

Learning Indonesian, or Bahasa Indonesia, is so much easier than learning Asian languages such as Thai, Japanese and Chinese. The first thing you will notice is that is has the Roman alphabet, so no new script to wrap your head around. Plus Indonesian has no tones, no gender and no tenses, so it just gets better and better.

It’ pretty similar to the language of its neighbour: Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore, which makes it great value as a learner, especially as Indonesia is the fourth most populated nation in the world.


Continue your learning and improve your job prospects with every level.

With our Indonesian A1.1 Microlearning Course, you can:

  • Make basic conversation and greetings
  • Tell the time
  • Count from 0-12
  • Talk about clothes and shopping
  • Order at the café
  • Talk about the house
  • Use phrases for travel and at the beach
  • Make simple requests, recommendations and apologies
  • Talk about what is happening
  • Describe problems

* All cudoo language Microlearning courses are mapped to international CEFR levels and “Can Do” statements, and ACTFL standards.

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