Personal Brand Maximizing Personal Impact

22 Oct Personal Brand Maximizing Personal Impact – Online Course

Abigail Van Buren, the writer of Dear Abby, once said, “There are two kinds of people: those who come into a room with the attitude, ‘Here I am!’ and those who have the attitude, ‘There you are!’”

This course is an exploration about the type of impact we want to have in life and work. Participants will consider and define the influence that they can have on their life and work. They will also learn skills for success and how to create those circumstances.
Specific learning objectives for participants include:

  • Speak in terms of the impact and influence that they want to have in life and work
  • Understand their personal style in terms of their personal brand
  • Develop skill in areas like focus, concentration, and communication to support their brand
  • Build credibility and trust by living their brand o Take ownership of their image, both online and in person
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